St. Gallen

Who I Am

Peter Flury-Kleubler, born in 1960, married, father of three children, grown up at the southern foot of the Jura Mountains

My motto: I am with what is here.

What characterizes me? I see the parts and the whole. I am interested in the big picture and fascinating details. I like clarity and I can live with uncertainty. To me, life is more about “both … and” than “either … or”.


  • Dr. phil., Doctorate in Psychology (University of Zurich, 1997)
  • studies of Psychology, Neurophysiology (Medicine) and German Linguistics (1988–1994)
  • engineer in Precision Engineering (1983)

Further Education

  • Integrative Counselling IBP (Integrative Body Psychotherapy): IBP Institute, Winterthur, 2008–2011
  • Sexual Therapy and Sexual Counselling: Dr. med. Robert Fischer and Notburga Fischer, 2012–2014
  • Somatic Experiencing: Dominique Dégranges and Dr. Sônia Gomes, 2015–2017 (SE-Practitioner)
  • Systemic Integrative Couples Therapy: Hans Jellouschek Institute, Freiburg (Germany), 2019–2021
  • Lifespan Integration: Beginners, Cathy Thorpe, 2012; Advanced, Peggy Pace, 2013 and 2015
  • Mediation: Bern University of Applied Sciences, Bern, 2002–2003

Personal Competencies

  • experience from various working environments (psychosocial counselling, educational system, public administration, industry)
  • life experience as a father and husband
  • experience as a lecturer at the universities of Zurich and Fribourg
  • management experience

Membership in Professional Associations

  • Federation of Swiss Psychologists FSP
  • Association of the Psychologists of Eastern Switzerland OSPP
  • Swiss Association for Integrative Body Psychotherapy IBP

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intuitively right – Psychological Counselling

Dr. phil. Peter Flury-Kleubler, Psychologist FSP, St. Gallen, Switzerland
